Analyze the causes of cloth bag damage of central dust collection system supplier

central dust collection system supplier

The central dust collection system supplier shoots compressed air into the filter bag in the filter bag chamber of the unit through the pulse valve from the nozzle of the air bag. After the injection, the lifting valve is opened and the filter bag is restored to the filtering state. Similarly, the filter bag room of other units is controlled by the program controller to carry out the above injection cycle in turn to achieve the purpose of dust cleaning. In the later stage, the dust that falls off in the ash hopper due to the expansion of the filter bag and the reverse acceleration is sent away by the ash conveying device.

Single machine dust collector smooth surface, not easy to produce burr, small deformation. Using the latter method, the production rate is low, the surface is rough, easy to deformation. In addition, there are plastic frames, but this frame is not suitable for high temperature use. In the spray process, because the filter bag is cleaned once, it will rub with the outer surface of the dust removal frame once, so after the dust removal filter bag is used for the corresponding time, although it is not damaged, its inner surface and the contact part of the dust removal frame have been worn. When reloading, the original part can be staggered according to the wear marks to avoid further wear in the original place, which can prolong the service life of the dust removal filter bag. Single-machine dust collector is a kind of dust removal equipment with a wide range of applications. It is mainly used to isolate solid impurities and gases, so as to achieve the effect of filtering and improving air quality. This kind of equipment is used in various chemical enterprises, and it is also very common in the household. The reason why it becomes a cloth bag is that the filter medium of this dust removal equipment is generally made of fabric, and some are also made of non-woven fabric.

The following is a simple analysis of the central dust collection system supplier's bag damage reasons:

1. If the central dust collection system supplier's cloth bag is damaged in a small area, it can use the old cloth bag or the new press cloth with the same materials to repair the hole and continue to use it. The method of repairing the hole is to use silicone rubber inclusion material for bonding. As long as the application temperature, chemical function and process of the adhesive conform to the situation.

2. After the central dust collection system supplier uses the cloth bag for a long time, the fine dust stored in the filter bag layer will reduce its air permeability, and if the air volume of the system is affected, it should be changed completely even if it is not damaged.

3. Any central dust collection system supplier shall replace the bag in time if there is a large area of damage to the bag, because using the damaged bag to perform the task will speed up the scrapping of the dust collector and shorten its life. Change the dust collector bag when the central dust collection system supplier terminates the task. At this time, the dust collector should be closed, open the manhole door at the top, and then disassemble the bag. When disassembling, first take out the bag cage, then pinch the spring ring at the top of the bag into a concave shape, and pull out the bag upward. Before installing the new cloth bag, the dust on the hole of the flower plate should be cleaned.

The central dust collection system supplier uses an electric motor to drive the pain wheel, and the connecting rod makes the bag vibrate to remove the dust on the surface of the bag. Its control installation is divided into two kinds: automatic control and manual control. Automatic control means that when the fan continues the task, the central dust collection system supplier takes the initiative to clean the dust on time. After the dust collector of the manual control fan stops, the supplier takes the initiative to clean the dust after tens of seconds. It can also start the dust cleaning motor at any time according to the demand. Cleaning time length by the user to adjust the time relay.

central dust collection system supplier
